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Breakfast Club is sited in the school hall at Cotham Gardens School, running daily in term time from 7.45am until school begins. This service is open to children attending Cotham Gardens & Elmgrove Annexe.


Please do not visit any of our settings if you are displaying any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).


  • Please ring the doorbell and wait for a member of staff to collect/bring your child out to you.

  • Sign your child in/out at the gate/door.

  • Practice social distancing (2 metres) in all entrances,


Qualified staff supervise Year 2 children to their classrooms at 8.45am and Reception/Year 1 children to their classrooms at Elmgrove Annexe. Older children have the responsibility of taking themselves to line up in the playground at the start of the school day.


Three/four staff are on duty daily, operating a 1:8 ratio. Jim Collins (Cache Level 3 Playwork qualified) manages the breakfast service on a day-to-day basis along with two other playstaff.


Parents and carers are required to sign-in their child(ren) on arrival (this is a legal requirement).


A self-service breakfast is available until 8.20am consisting of toast/crumpets/pancakes/bagels (with different spreads), cereals, yogurt and a selection of fruit (fresh & dried). Water available throughout the session.

After breakfast children can choose from a range of freeplay opportunities including art & crafts, books, role play, construction, small worlds play, board games and a selection of physical play equipment (climbing wall, skipping ropes, hoops, gym mats). Outside play is also available (weather permitting).


To register with Zebras, please click the link to the right and follow instructions.





A regular booking refers to a discount obtained by booking regular sessions for the whole school year.

This enables Zebras to forward plan and allocate resources for the whole school year.

There is a 28 day notice period to cancel a regular booking.


The 28 day notice period is only for people wishing to completely cancel their regular booking (for example if you will be no longer using our services). 

Please note: If you cancel a regular booking, you will be unable to make another regular booking until the next school year (excepting any extenuating circumstances).



A casual booking refers to irregular bookings, or bookings made on a daily, weekly, monthly or termly basis.


Cancellations are unavailable for Casual Bookings.


Please note:

For PERMANENT BOOKINGS, if you no longer need one or all of your places, we require 28 days notice for cancellation of said place.


For CASUAL BOOKINGS, once made, refunds are not available. Casual attendees must confirm dates for each coming week on the Sunday before the week starts. Availability will depend on session numbers attending each day.


All booked in sessions (both permanent and casual attendees) must be paid for, regardless of attendance. This is detailed clearly in Terms & Conditions (signed on registration and available to view in your personal account).


We do not offer session 'swaps' or credit for any dates children are unable to attend.


This is to protect the long term sustainability of our service. 


All existing users are required to renew details & permissions on a yearly basis, in line with current legislation; if you have been using our service for a year plus and have not already done so please log into your account and update your information.


Inset Days: Zebras will be closed to children during Cotham Gardens Primary School inset days.



Breakfast club fees for 2025: £5.90 per child (sibling discount 1.5% of daily fee) still representing excellent value for money.

Casual users can continue to access sessions (when available) for a fee of £6.40.


Fees must be paid on or before the first day of attendance.


Individual arrangements (weekly payments/monthly direct debits) on request.


We accept all forms of childcare vouchers, please ask for further details.

Breakfast Club opening time:


Session rates:

Regular - £5.90 per child

Casual Users - £6.40 per child (no concessions)

Booked in sessions have sibling discount rates of 1.5% for the first sibling, 2.0% for the second sibling and 2.5% for all siblings beyond.


We have a 5 Star rating for Food Hygiene


Zebras Afterschool Playscheme | Rating Business Details | Food Hygiene Ratings



OFSTED Registered. Cotham Site: EY498946. Elmgrove Site: EY499012

Zebras Out of School Club Ltd is a company limited by guarantee. Company Number 08148943

Registered office: Tki Bookkeeping & Accounts Ltd GL16 8BH

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